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After Getting Rid of-Zhuxiaogu | Chapter 40 Eating Others | Truyện convert Chưa xác minh | After Getting Rid of
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After Getting Rid of - After Getting Rid of
After Getting Rid of
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13/08/2022 06:09
Chapter 40 Eating Others
(Một số truyện chưa được cập nhật trên Hố Truyện, bạn hãy xem bản cập nhật của các server khác trong phần mục lục để đọc chương mới nhất)

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Athome,the householdwa SManagedbyher;atthecompany,businesswasuptoher. However,shewasridiculedsin CEShehadnot givenbirthtoa child.

Whenshediscoveredherh USBand,thatscumbaghadcheatedonher withhersecretary;shedecisivelydivorcedhim.


Whos AIdthatthedivorcedwomanwasdestinedtohaveamiserableend?

Amandadidnotlackmoneyandwasgood-loo King.

EvenIversonByran,thebig BossinDucco,whohadeverrepeatedlyansweredthereporters "questionsandopenlyexpressedhisloveforAmandaJewell.

"FromthefirsttimeIsawher,Ieventhoughtofourfuture children "sname."

"I "mstillma Kingeveryefforttowinherheart."

"Ihope MissJewellcan givemeaproper titleassoonas possible."