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Invincible God Emper-Hongshu | Chương 61: Chapter 61 Wanfa Platform! | Truyện convert Chưa xác minh | Invincible God Emper
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Invincible God Emper - Invincible God Emper
Invincible God Emper
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20/05/2021 09:09
Chương 61: Chapter 61 Wanfa Platform!
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Giới thiệu nội dung

He could decide the fate of the world With his power! A Spar from a mysterious pce completely changed the fate of a down-and-out teenager. Starting from Luoshan Sect, he g AIned a Significant reputation step by step. He overcame all difficulties and courageously marched forward, finally challenging the Door of the Supreme Realm that no one could open.