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Letting The Odds Win-Background21 | Chương 60: Epilogue | Truyện convert Chưa xác minh | Letting The Odds Win
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Letting The Odds Win - Letting The Odds Win
Letting The Odds Win
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24/11/2021 04:39
Chương 60: Epilogue
(Một số truyện chưa được cập nhật trên Hố Truyện, bạn hãy xem bản cập nhật của các server khác trong phần mục lục để đọc chương mới nhất)

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Odds! Wouldn' t it be odd to not have something to fight Against like sup pose just some odds that we have to face? We can' t just escape them for sure. I mean numbers can' t be complete With just even series, right? Just the same way, having odds has been a normal part of anyone' s life. Yeah, sometimes these can be Vird too. Still, they can be overcome and many can be suc CESsful in doing that also. As! Some may not be able to do that. A couple had let the odd win as them staying together was the odd thing and it is not because they want to but because they are tired. For how much longer would two people try to fight the odds Without help from outside? And hence the f AIlure resulting in separation. If the odds are that powerful then what if them getting back together is odd This time? Well, let' s see if This time odds will win or not.