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The Journey Of Love-Shipra Saini | Chương 132: Epilogue 3 | Truyện convert Chưa xác minh | The Journey Of Love
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The Journey Of Love - The Journey Of Love
The Journey Of Love
Shipra Saini
Chưa xác minh
26/11/2021 04:24
Chương 132: Epilogue 3
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Book 1- Our journey from engage ment to marriage Book 2- The journey of Love Siddharth and Preeti complete their journey from engage ment to marriage in book-1. Siddharth make Preeti his after so many obstacles in his path. Now they both are ready to Live their life after marriage. "Siddharth I felt someone "s e yes on me. Like someone is wat ching me from afar and observing my every single move." she told me on phone. I clearly sense the panic in her voice. "Where is keerti?" I asked her while loo King at my car keys in my drawer. "I don "t know. . she told me she will come in fifteen minutes but it "s already more than hour when she went somewhere, dropping me here. " she s AId in a trembling voice. I know she is near to cry. "Don "t worry Baby. I am on my way." I s AId while ta King a long strides towards the elevator. "Siddharth I. . . Aaahhhhh. . ." I heard her scream and then phone line went dead. I tried it Again but it was s witched off... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . . "Sp. . . ." A loud sound of sp echoed in a rge sitting hall. I looked at Siddharth With my teary e yes. Tears did not stop falling from my e yes. His face turned to the side due to sp and he looked at me With his blood shot angry e yes. He grip my wrist and dragged me to his car. After SMming the door shut With thud voice he drove off in his full speed With me. My heart is beating really fast. I have never seen him This angry.